131 Alleged Climate Change - editorialpinups

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131 Alleged Climate Change

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131 Alleged Climate Change

131 Alleged Climate Change

The first Arctic Clipper of the winter is descending upon the lower United States.  We are now hearing from the climate alarmists.  The climate alarmists kept screaming last summer when things hot and dry.  They used to call that Global warming.

In the name of these fluctuations the non-scientists and the paid for by the alarmist scientists are saying that we must drive EV's which are a not in my back yard environmental disasters, just look at the carbon footprint it takes to make the batteries.

An additional hoax is the Carbon Pipeline hoax. CO2 is necessary for growing plants. This diagram shows how CO2 works in growing plants:

Unless we run out of water, H2O, we will use up the carbon created but on an ongoing regenerative basis.  

In the mean time, wear a coat when it is cold, take the coat off when it is hot.

If we are totally sloppy, we can do some spot damage to the earth, but it is not through climate, it is through unprocessed waste  sloppy harvest and land use practices, and by product handling.

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