112 sex and race not an issue - editorialpinups

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112 sex and race not an issue

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112 sex and race not an issue

112 sex and race not an issue

Enough is enough.  When I disagreed with the policies of Barack Obama, some tried to call me racist.  When I disagreed with the policies of Hillary Clinton, I was called by some to be sexist.

Kamala Harris is a most destructive far left radical liberal.  She embraces the dangers of communism. She has allowed the southern border to be as effective ans screen doors on a submarine.  She has problems with keeping a staff.  She incarcerated black males at a high rate.  She kept prisoners in longer than their sentences.

When she speaks she sounds like a third grade idiot. She thinks she is funny but funny is not needed, especially it ain't funny funny.

Sex and race are not an issue in the election by people intelligent enough to find out her views and history.  Don't google it.  Use duckduckgo.com and search.brace .com. When people learn of the real Kamala Harris, race and gender will be far from the intelligent person's mind.  A vote for Harris is a vote for societal suicide. Let's not commit to four more years of political and societal suicide.

Vote wisley!


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