110 Why Have a Majority - editorialpinups

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110 Why Have a Majority

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110 Why Have a Majority?

110 Why have a majority

A simple request by a committee investigating improprieties of the Corpse administration.  A request to Merrick Garland’s DOJ was made for the Tapes Ben Hur had made of the interview with the Corpse. Garland refused.  The reason for the request was the statement mad by Hur that he would not charge the Corpse with a crime for having documents he was not to have saying he was a old man who confused things.

Allegedly, albeit very slim due to bullheadedness on the part of members who left early, if the Republicans stick together they could have held Garland in “inherent contempt” of Congress.  But four dope ass piece of shit Rinos voted with Democrats to not hold him in contempt. The four are:

1. Tom McClintoc of California

2. John Duarte of California

3. David Joyce of Ohio

4. Michael Turner of Ohio

Why have a majority if they cannot get together on important things like this.  Democrats ignore Congressional subpoenas and nothing happens to them.  Garland joins Eric Holder in this light.  

All while Steve Bannon and  Petar Navarro are in jail for the same thing.

Here was the opportunity to get to the bottom of the Corpse, and now shitted away!

Editorialpinups.com is watching closely!


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