116 not on the map - editorialpinups

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116 not on the map

Descriptions > Other backgrounds
116 Not on the Map

This will be short and sweet.  The last three and a half years were caused by an election that had an electoral college map that was just over half with blue votes.  Blue is a beautiful color. Just not on the electoral college map.  Rampant inflation, Wars on multiple fronts, life attempts of the opposing candidate.  Desires for censorship.  Looking and being weak internationally.  And more negative life!

The last time we had a red one over half map we had three plus years of a world that had never existed on a positive note, robust economy, low inflation, highest minority employment in the history of the country, respect by foreign leaders to not start wars and lob bombs, the Abraham Accords, economy exit from the virus after some missteps, climate common sense and more positive goodies!

She looks great in Blue, but the country was on a roll when the map was in red!

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