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I knew the story about King Midas and the Midas tounch.  You might remember that everything Midas touched turned to gold.  But I needed to find the ppposite.  Everything the corpse touches becomes a failure.  To find the equivlent, I had to turn to the Urban Dictionary.

This is where I found the "Dubya Touch". Named after George "Dubya" Bush. Every business venture he's been involved with has been a dismal failure.

The Corpse (Biden) administration bragged about job growth.  Unfortunately, he started by firing people building a pipeline, he fired people building the wall on the southern boarder, he fired poeple who would not get the synthetic MRNA jab, which slowed down the fastest recovery in the country's history.

Anyone notice the disrespect of this country?  North Korea lobbing bombs, Iran bolstering nukes, the Ukraine-Russia malaise, Red China floating balloons and threatening neighbors along with many other underhanded operations they specialize in.

Remember when we were energy dependent?  We do.

Mandating the useless synthetic MRNA jab.

A southern boarder that open.  He wants new laws on immigration.  Enforce what we have in place.  If it is an issue of laws, Congress does that.  Corpse, our job is to enforce.

Inflation.  You sounded like an accountant who got caught embezeling funds from the employer.  It is here and it is big.

Possible recession on the front.  Watch it, the big spending proposed and rammed through the last session mainly passed by liberal Democrats, bullet!

Shove the greeny weeny farce crap down your arse.  When the technology is matured enough and cost effective it will happen. Also, know how science works. Carbon is not all bad.

You and your family are corrupt. Your administration decisions show that you are bought and paid for.

Things look depressing. But if you eliminate year four of Trump’s presidency where he let the swamp run the show, we had a very optimistic outlook in the country. In fact, it wasn’t just the outlook, but it was the results. And in much of the country governors figured out the over reaction to the virus was just that, an over reaction.

Booming economy including the highest employment rates for Black and Hispanic Americans

The Abraham Accords  

Lack of international conflict  

Tight southern border  

Putting the United States  

Containing terrorists

Businesses coming back to the United States for manufacturing

Having a rational approach to the environment

Again, energy independence

The attitude to but the United States first.


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