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040 sorry jack - editorialpinups

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040 sorry jack

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Ron Santo had to die before they let him in.  The culprit had been writers that recognized only one good team that the Cubs had when he played and then rumors pointed to Joe Morgan who had some type of bone to pick with Ron.

Jack Morris was the dominant pitcher that I remembered. during the 80’s and early 90’s.  He pitch many innings won four World Series rings and won 162 games during the 80’s the most by any pitcher.  He was wild, had a no hitter against the White Sox during the national televised game of the week April 7, 1984, and as a Twins fan drove us nuts that decade.  

So much so that the Twins sighed you in 1991.  Game 7 of the series was something else.  Watching it on TV I remember seeing it your eyes that you would pitch 20 innings if need be.  I would not doubt that you could do it.  

I understood the situation when you went to Toronto and won two more rings.  Dave Winfield did the same.  Let's face it, Toronto hasn't been been back since.

You will have another chance, the next time with input by players who faced that split finger pitch.  I'll be crossing my “split” fingers!

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