117 Is it a Jungle - editorialpinups

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117 Is it a Jungle

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117 Is it a Jungle

 117 Is it a Jungle?

Every once in a while some kook takes a shot at presidents or presidential candidates.  We lost John F. Kennedy to an assassin's bullet, same with Robert Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln.  Ronald Reagan was hit but survived.

First some dope gets on a rope and takes a shot at Donald Trump.  Trump turns his head the bullet skims his ear but another hits a citizen.  Next we find that the Secret Service finds a guy who was going to shoot at Trump.  There have been reports from the campaign trail that there have been questionable illnesses by people who sat near the podium.  

Then we have these people in the mainstream media and also democrats stating on air that Trump needs to be taken out.  It sounds like if you cannot win on issues, take out the candidate!

This is not the United States I have won up in and love.   Losers, get a grip on it!        

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