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114 Selected

Fifteen years of my life I lived in Minnesota.  I lived there at the end of the right time.  Minneapolis was not burning, republicans existed and occasionally won key offices.  

Even former professional wrestler and actor Jesse Ventura as an independent won the governorship.  Traditionally the governorship whether Republican or Democrat was much more centrist.  In fact when I moved there there were two republican Senators, David Durenberger and Rudy Boschwitz.

There were the left extremists, but they generally held their limits to being more farm cooperative oriented and higher and progressive in taxation policy.

But Tim Walz by what he has said is giving the San Francisco left a run for the money.  This will be a campaign of who can say the most stupid illogical leftist ideas.  Harris who incarcerated blacks and Walz who let BLM and Antifa burn down parts of Minneapolis.

All the Trump campaign needs to do is stick to the issues and expose the craziness!

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