146 Trump Wins and is Running
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146 Trump Wins and is Running

We at editorialpinups.com were going to wait a week, but in just five days we are ready to say that the Trump Presidency is going to be quite active.
Trump ran on an agenda to make the country great again. This was more than a slogan. He made specific goals as to what this means. Strong border including the construction of the wall, getting tough with both Canada and Mexico. Has a plan for deportation of legal aliens starting with those who committed crimes and any illegals hanging with said criminals.
Then there is increasing energy production, coal, oil and gas, and closing off inefficient and environmentally dangerous energy policies including wind and solar where both are proving some long term negatives. There looks to also be a possible return to nuclear with the proliferation of data centers and server farms.
The nomination and the starting of the approval of Trumps choices for cabinet positions.
Terminating DEI and telling the World Economic Forum so much. Exiting the WHO and the Paris Climate accords.
Giving pointed statements to both Putin and Zolensky regarding the need to end their war. Being ready to cut Iran off again. Restart the Abraham Accords.
Removing security clearances from those who abused it.
Statements by commentators are that Trump has two years to get much of this done. There is never a guarantee with mid-term elections.
This is a most interesting time in the history of the Unites States of America!