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109 What a Joke

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109 What a Joke


109 What a Joke

July 11,2024.  The last solo press conference from the Corpse was in 2023.  We are half way through 2023 and we finally have the corpse taking questions from a pre-approved list of reporters. Peter Doocy was not one of them.  

The number of questions compared to the number of press people in the room was shockingly low.  The usual questions about his fitness to be president were asked.  What a waste of time.  

Then there were the pro NATO questions. No questions asked about Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan saying that diplomacy must also be a tool in the Russia NATO conflict at the summit aimed at bolstering the Ukraine. Softball.

The corpse also bragged about how good things were going in the mid-east and how he is trying to control Israel in trying to eradicate Hamas from the Gaza.

The economy gets snuck in a little bit.  Yep, prices not going up as fast as they were.  All is good according to the corpse. No talk about the rising consume debt and the high cost of everyday items. The corpse, a career politician has no concept of the real world.

All of that aside the question the Clown Corpse has never been asked, is why has all of this war shit come down after you stole the election?  Somebody put this guy on the line.  

They may not have had approved questions, but there was most likely a strong arm of another nature.

Editorialpinups.com is watching closely!

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