143 Tina Peters - editorialpinups

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143 Tina Peters

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       143 Tina Peters

Let me get this straight.  Your job is County Clerk.  You are in charge of elections.  You get information that there may have been compromise in the tools used for counting votes.  To do your investigation you seek out experts to assist you.  It just happens that the election in question had witnesses nationwide noticing improprieties, influcencers, legislators and business interests creating situations that can cause crime and fraud to be rampant. The goal was to evict from the White House the president who had no wars, a great economy, low inflation, the highest employment of blacks and Hispanics ever, and challenging the trade inequities caused by countries allowing slavery in their borders.

A malady that created the misinformation business led by Dr. Anthony Fauci was designed to erase the three plus years of prosperity, growth and for many who were not worrying about being abusive controllers of people a great life.  

The 2020 election was a multi-attack on our election system.  From mail in ballots, to unattended ballot boxes, to the use of computer devices with connections to the internet and usb devices to contract mail carriers moving ballots from one state to another, to witness of various improprieties, I would want my County Clerk doing everything they could to investigate.  This includes contracting people and using skill sets to get to the truth.

It is possible that a particular counting area may show it was accurate, but could also exhibit the vulnerabilities which would lead to fraud either in future elections at that location or at other locations in the country that used the same counting technology.

The case of Tina Peters is especially disturbing.  In her job as Mesa County clerk she felt that there were problems in the 2020 presidential election.  I am going to be blunt.  Anyone with a brain know there were problems with the 2020 presidential election.  The incumbent gets more votes than any sitting president in history.  Somehow a piece of shit person who campaigned from his basement (which is why I call Joe Biden the corpse), with a family crime syndicate fleecing his name gets 7 million more votes?  Looking at the vote maps it is where all of the alleged improprieties were reported, it just happens they were all in the swing states. Looking at other races in other states a cases can be made for investigation.

Tina Peters was tried and convicted for doing her job with all tools available. Politically someone did not like that and convinced a jury from the pot legalized state she was guilty of allowing a person to go undercover to take a forensic image of the election system's hard drives after a software update in May 2021. If nothing is found, fine.  If something is found, fine.  In either case we need to know and get on with it.  Not sure what the jury saw.  The judge,  Matthew Barrett, however proved to be a big ignoramus bully and a prick.  I don’t know how judges get their job in Colorado, but this judge has a political vendetta!  Sorry judge.  If I were in the district I would be totally ripping you.  But not, just ripping you now.

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