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In the movie Animal House Faber College Dean Vernon Wormer is talking to Faber City Mayor Carmine De Pasto about having the Faber College Homecoming Parade in the streets of Faber. Mayor De Pasto tells Dean Wormer that Faber College will have to pay. Wormer states that he thinks it is wrong to extor money from the college. To that De Pasto tells Wormer that “these parades are very expensive. You’re using my police… my sanitation people, my free Oldsmobiles (De Pasto owns the Oldsmobile dealership in town). If you mention extortion again...I’ll have your legs broken.”
Most references that you will find on the internet will end the exchange there. But in the movie there is one more line at the end of that exchange. Wormer calmly offers, “I’m sure I can arrange a nice honorarium from the student fund.”
Student funds at many colleges have legitimate functions such as bringing in speakers, hold campus events, a number of legitimate items that would not need a specific line item approval by the college administrative board. Student funds are also used to hide expenses and also petty cash type transactions.
Welcome to the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). USAID was created by President John F. Kennedy with an executive order to administer funds that would be designated by Congress through the Foreign Assistance Act enacted in September 4, 1961. While the intent is good, it looks like a slush fund just like many student funds.
It has come out with work by the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) that Various non-mainstream sex projects worldwide, subscriptions to Politico which is a leftist news agency, funds spent to muffle alternative media and media reporting including during the Virus Time. It seems that money is dumped into the fund without specific direction then spent on various items without accountability.
Iowa Senator Joni Ernst has been trying to get details on the USAID expenditures for years to very limited if an avail. It has taken DOGE to force its way in throwing around the weight of the executive branch to get the numbers.
Welcome to USAID, the United States equivalent of the Faber College student fund!