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115 suspicious debate

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115 Suspicious Debate

It was slated as a debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris.  What it became was a debate between Donald Trump versus Kamala Harris, David Muir, and Lindsey Davis.   That is right, the moderators seemed to have chosen a side.  Muir constantly was trying to fact check Trump. If Trump tried to fact Harris since the moderators felt it was not their job, Davis cuts his response, claims there is too much to discuss and moves on.  

An item that bothered me is how Harris answered questions.  She gave canned responses.  Many have accused ABC of giving Harris the questions. I have a better explanation.  Harris sounded like a High School debater who memorized as many of the possible questions and her canned answers. It explains why Harris has not addressed the media but once in 40 days since being anointed by the Democrat party.

Having moderated a political debate, I guarantee I would have asked questions in a way that Harris could not use that tactic.  My first question would be Ms. Harris, without mentioning the name of Donald Trump, please explain how the Biden Harris administration policies have allowed for a war between Russia and Ukraine with the war continuing after there was an announcement that there was a cease fire and war end agreement in place?  As a followup, what was said by the Biden administration to Boris Johnson to go to Zelensky and have Zelensky tear up the agreement?  Another question Ms. Harris, you were the last one in the room when they decided the procedure to exit Afghanistan?  Why did you leave people and stuff there, and give the airport away?  Let's try one more Ms. Harris.  You said that a woman says my body my choice.  Why did that not apply to all of the people who were fired for not taking an experimental mRNA injection with links to heart problems such as Myocarditis?

Back to the fact checking and lying.  All of the mainstream outlets are saying Trump outright lied.  Do we expect otherwise?

I will print the text here:

Last night’s debate was an indisputable victory both in style and substance for former president and presidential candidate Donald J. Trump, who behaved in a polite and respectful manner in front of a Vice President who continuously made faces and gestures aimed at provoking him. Trump, on the other hand, remained serious and focused throughout the debate.

At the end, Univisión and Telemundo had to rescue her… as usual, launching into fact-checking Trump’s statements, labeling them as «false,» while Kamala’s lies were merely «misleading» and not false. The discriminatory treatment toward Trump was truly regrettable.

Kamala also showed signs of fatigue and a loss of focus from the middle of the debate onward, despite receiving help from ABC moderators in a format where they never corrected Kamala but did so for Trump in real-time, making it three against one.

But let’s talk about the debate itself. Kamala Harris showed who she really is: a puppet with no endurance, no ability to respond, and no solutions. Yet, she offered false promises to fix the problems that she and Biden have unleashed over the past three and a half years in the U.S.

Let’s highlight some of the LIES from the debate:
– Kamala falsely claimed that «no U.S. military members… are currently serving in combat zones.»
– Kamala falsely claimed she does not support government-controlled healthcare (she does).
– Kamala denied supporting a ban on fracking (she does) and the mandatory confiscation of firearms (she does).
– Kamala said, «That’s not true» when President Trump pointed out her support for defunding the police, something she has repeatedly called for.
– Kamala denied raising money to bail out criminals during the «Summer of Love» in 2020, but her tweet is still up.
– Kamala falsely claimed that President Trump supports «Project 2025,» even though he has never been involved.
– Kamala falsely claimed that Tim Walz didn’t legalize abortion on demand up until birth in Minnesota, which is exactly what he did.
– Kamala claimed President Trump supports a national abortion ban (he doesn’t) and wants to ban IVF (he doesn’t).
– Kamala resurrected the Charlottesville hoax, which fact-checkers have repeatedly debunked.

Here’s what Kamala couldn’t explain:
– Why she allowed more than 10 million illegal immigrants to invade the country.
– Why she destroyed the economy and increased inflation.
– Why she supports the killing of over 1 million American babies per year in the womb.
– Why she destroyed the country with weak crime policies.
– Why she fully supported the incompetence of the Afghanistan withdrawal that left 13 American servicemen dead.

Today, you’ll see many media outlets whitewash Kamala and her lies, but keep one thing in mind: Kamala’s radical values “haven’t changed.

As Trump rightly pointed out, she is a Marxist who has bailed out criminals and is sinking the U.S.

The U.S. has lost its leadership under Biden and Kamala Harris. In defense of the millions of unborn babies and the safety and sovereignty of the nation, Hispanics have only one candidate who can set things straight, and his name is Donald Trump.

If another debate is declared, I will put forth a complete list of questions that I would like to be asked.  In the mean time, ponder this list. Go back and re-watch the debate. See how well Trump did in what would be called a handicap match in professional wrestling!

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