127 We are not stupid we are rural
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127 We are not stupid, we are rural

127 We are not stupid, we are rural
I have heard from a variety of people that the people who voted for Donald Trump were stupid, ignorant, and uneducated. This includes many irrelevant but somewhat accessible personalities such as Howard Stern, Billy Eichner, members of the television show the View, Various people who have appeared on networks such as CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS..., the mainstream outlets. There is the accusation that Trump voters do not get their news from the mainstream outlets. Outlets such as the Daily Wire, pod casters such as Joe Rogan, Tim Poole, Dan Bongino, An0maly, Glen Beck, Alex Jones, Liz Wheeler, and many more. on various radio outlets, Megan Kelly, Dana Loesch, Clay Travis and Buck Sexton, Mark Levin, Billy Cunningham, the Red Eye Radio network to mention a few.
There was a time that news sources such as ABC, NBC, ABC were credible. CNN has made some great content over the years. Even one of their former anchors ran as a Republican for the House of Representatives in of all states, Illinois!
But these news sources got expensive. As they got more expensive a decision had to be made to somehow fund these increased expenses. Unfortunately doing objective news does not raise the type of money that is necessary to fund these operations. Six and seven figure payments to anchors. Guaranteed money, not commissions.
I to this day do not understand the love affair of the main stream media with the Liberal Democrat party. As a journalist I am objective. As an editorialist I take issues and present thought but include some opinion.... and I admit that I am an editorialist. My style of editorialism is to present issues and present sources to foster the editorial thought.
With that in mind, I do not find that Trump voters as a group are stupid and ignorant. I find the discussion of science to be well defined. I find their definition of their life as one of hard work, an attempt at family strength, a realizm that there are times that things do not go as planned, and get this, they are products of the public school systems.
Click this link and look at the map. Look at this color code on the map. The map shows that Trump overwhelmingly won the highly rural states. Looking at the detail of the red states, you will see that the rural areas are red and the bulk of the blue is in highly dense population areas, many with colleges. Next look at the blue states. With the exception of Vermont, Massachusetts, and Connecticut, the rural areas voted Trump.
The mouthpieces declaring Trump voters are stupid, are saying that rural people, the people that grow food, make Ethanol, harvest energy natural resources and more, then I as a more rural person than a city person am glad to be called stupid!