130 2024 Presidential Election
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130 2024 Presidential Election

130 2024 Presidential Election
Let me be brief. I give you the 2024 presidential election.
Why not belly buttons. It says more about the candidates than the mainstream media.
Now let me be detailed!
I represent the 2024 campaign with belly buttons. I use this as the belly button is residue from the process of birth. After the cord is cut and the final growth in that area completed, the bellybutton is a close off area and left for optional decoration.
However many people do not have belly buttons due to surgical reasons. They live just fine whether it be with a scar from surgery or complete closure of which the scar disappears and then have continuous skin.
Those that do, and in my world, is women who wear naval piercing jewelry. The other purpose for the naval seems to be that as a collector of lint. In other words, because of the shape, and many have innies, the cavity fills with derbies from others which must be cleaned out periodically.
This leads me to the Republican caucuses and primary, and associated debates.
According to the polls, Donald Trump has a commanding lead over the next of the Republican hopefuls. He has opted not to participate.
This relegates the Republican debates to the one of a few reasons for the contests. The reasons are and there may be more, 1) This is the B Team audition. 2) They are positioning to be vice-president. 3) If Trump does get convicted and for some legal reason is unable to run. 4) Members of the debate group feel that they have better ideas and they are working within the system.
I also used belly buttons to show my thoughts on the process. By the process, I mean the Republican party structure, the entrenched mob that can’t seem to do anything else in life but represent, and the media which seems to be forcing their favorites down our throats.
I lead with the media. Editorialpinups.com been critical of the media for a while. Statements were made with 097 Fake News and 111 Honest Media Now. We have stated that it is not objective, It is biased, and they also try to guide viewers and readers to specific outcomes.
I start with Clay Travis and Buck Sexton. They like President Trump. Fine. But it is how they are treating the B-Team. They seem to latch onto candidates with incomplete or biased views and basically tell the others you don’t belong here. They are gung ho with Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley saying how great they are, saying that the others should drop out. The had no time of day for Doug Bergun. Bergun is a Governor and businessman. He made his money with many companies including an accounting software company. Clay and Buck said before interviewing him that Bergun would make a good cabinet member.
Clay and Buck seem to be be trying to put Vivak Ramaswamy in the background. However, Ramaswamy has found major differences with him and especially Nikki Haley regarding military issues. Ramaswamy questions Haley’s acquisition of wealth stating that she was near broke after the U.N. experience and quit the U.N. job early, then got juicy board positions with a military contractor and bought into a number of military stocks. Every time Haley has been questioned on this issue, not only by Clay and Buck, but others also she has not been pressed and she goes after Ramaswamy. Interviewers have not pressed her.
Other press observations seem to favor DeSantis, Haley, and Chris Christie.Chris has been spending the last number of years being a puppet for the mainstream media with an emphasis on Trump Bashing. Haley and DeSantis have had a tremendous amount of media tie in the media’s hope that something can happen to take Trump out of the lead or off the ballot. The mainstream media has been giving some time to Ramaswamy but seems to more recently to be treated negatively. The Monday November 13 Clay and Buck interview seemed to be a “why not just quit” type of tone of interview.
Ramaswamy has done an interesting job in going through the independent citizen based media. Impressive interviews with Anomaly and Russel Brand to name a few. He is trying to find and been somewhat successful in finding the audience beyond the mainstream.
This brings me to the debates.
With Donald Trump having such a huge lead in the polls at this point, the debates are being called a few different things. One is the B Team. Another is the Audition for the Vice President (not counting Mike Pence of course). Some have called it a waste of time. I call it an interesting bit of poorly controlled conversation.
There seems to be push back on the new voices. Let’s designate: Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, Mike Pence, Chris Christie, Mainstream. Mainstream but who cares, Asa Hutchinson, Tim Scott. New voices, Vivek Ramaswamy, Ryab Binkley, Doug Burgum, Larry Elder, Will Hurd, Perry Johnson, Francis Suarez.
RNC Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel, yes, she is a part of the Romney clan, seems to have the idea that the best way to beat Trump, and that is my opinion, is to limit thought. While she does not have total control of the debates, she has the ability to set the tone and to also bring in the moderators, etc.
The tone of the debates have been Anti Trump by the moderators. But what is most disturbing is the desire to stifle thought and ideas. You have a governor of an energy state and they don’t ask him about energy policy. You have a pharmaceutical entrepreneur and you don’t press him on the state of the CDC. They throw softball questions at Nikki Haley on the war situation. Nobody is really asked about how they made their money, simple resume questions.
Ramaswamy has brought out the financial posturing of Nikki Haley on the debate stage in regards to the defense industry. Ramaswamy also brought out the losing culture being fostered by Ronna McDaniel. He is also astute in calling out the moderators.
DeSantis has a fresh record as Governor. one who bucked the virus trends that crippled many people economically. Haley was a governor. Not sure what she did in office. Desantis answers questions he is asked. Christie give his canned answer “I have the most experience” in such and such area. Haley givers you a per-recorded message.
Living in Cedar Rapids Iowa, I have been able to hear interviews conducted by the locals. Haley does not sway. I don’t think I have heard her laugh. Rmaswamy exposes a vision and recognizes that ongoing wars are not good. Haley seems to want to send us everywhere. Bergun offers restraint.
The current tone of the federal government is that it is bloated, intrusive, unfair, ready to weaponize to eliminate competitive thought, and loaded with employees that could not make what they are making in the private sector. Also, there are government departments located in Washington DC. that have not work in the area, the ultimate telecommuting.
Th job of the next president is to force the return of responsibility to the House and the Senate. If this means jobs are lost in DC. so be it. If a job is no longer needed in the private sector, you go do something else. The next president must have the skills necessary to do this. By returning accountability back to the House and Senate members, corruption will reduce. People will take direct entrepreneurial.
Trump talked about draining the swamp. He did not have enough time to drain said swamp due to a missing piece of knowledge and bombardments of personal attack. He also did not research the swamp enough to learn the process to be used.
Ramswamy has researched this and has the process ready to go day one of his presidency. Now, is Trump going to lose the caucuses? Not at this point. Will the court cases play a role in keeping
Trump from winning the Republican nod? We will see.
If Trump is the nominee, the Ramaswamy is the best for Vice President. If no Trump, Ramaswamy has the best ideas to clean up the mess and is strong for the president nod..
DeSantis is best to finish his term as Governor then look to the White House. Chris Christie needs to go back to his job as the Republican apologist for the liberal news outlets. Nikki Haley quit her last two jobs, so she should have no problem quitting running for president. If Ramaswamy were to get the nod to run for president, I can see Bergun as VP.
But with Ronna McDaniel as the DNC chair, expect incompetency. 2024 campaign with belly buttons. I use this as the belly button is residue from the process of birth. After the cord is cut and the final growth in that area completed, the bellybutton is a close off area and left for optional decoration.
However many people do not have belly buttons due to surgical reasons. They live just fine whether it be with a scar from surgery or complete closure of which the scar disappears and then have continuous skin.
Those that do, and in my world, is women who wear naval piercing jewelry. The other purpose for the naval seems to be that as a collector of lint. In other words, because of the shape, and many have innies, the cavity fills with derbies from others which must be cleaned out periodically.
This leads me to the Republican caucuses and primary, and associated debates.
According to the polls, Donald Trump has a commanding lead over the next of the Republican hopefuls. He has opted not to participate.
This relegates the Republican debates to the one of a few reasons for the contests. The reasons are and there may be more, 1) This is the B Team audition. 2) They are positioning to be vice-president. 3) If Trump does get convicted and for some legal reason is unable to run. 4) Members of the debate group feel that they have better ideas and they are working within the system.
I also used belly buttons to show my thoughts on the process. By the process, I mean the Republican party structure, the entrenched mob that can’t seem to do anything else in life but represent, and the media which seems to be forcing their favorites down our throats.
I lead with the media. Editorialpinups.com been critical of the media for a while. Statements were made with 097 Fake News and 111 Honest Media Now. We have stated that it is not objective, It is biased, and they also try to guide viewers and readers to specific outcomes.
I start with Clay Travis and Buck Sexton. They like President Trump. Fine. But it is how they are treating the B-Team. They seem to latch onto candidates with incomplete or biased views and basically tell the others you don’t belong here. They are gung ho with Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley saying how great they are, saying that the others should drop out. The had no time of day for Doug Bergun. Bergun is a Governor and businessman. He made his money with many companies including an accounting software company. Clay and Buck said before interviewing him that Bergun would make a good cabinet member.
Clay and Buck seem to be be trying to put Vivak Ramaswamy in the background. However, Ramaswamy has found major differences with him and especially Nikki Haley regarding military issues. Ramaswamy questions Haley’s acquisition of wealth stating that she was near broke after the U.N. experience and quit the U.N. job early, then got juicy board positions with a military contractor and bought into a number of military stocks. Every time Haley has been questioned on this issue, not only by Clay and Buck, but others also she has not been pressed and she goes after Ramaswamy. Interviewers have not pressed her.
Other press observations seem to favor Desantis, Haley, and Chris Christie.Chris has been spending the last number of years being a puppet for the mainstream media with an emphasis on Trump Bashing. Haley and Desantis have had a tremendous amount of media tie in the media’s hope that something can happen to take Trump out of the lead or off the ballot. The mainstream media has been giving some time to Ramaswamy but seems to more recently to be treated negatively. The Monday November 13 Clay and Buck interview seemed to be a “why not just quit” type of tone of interview.
Ramaswamy has done an interesting job in going through the independent citizen based media. Impressive interviews with Anomaly and Russel Brand to name a few. He is trying to find and been somewhat successful in finding the audience beyond the mainstream.
This brings me to the debates.
With Donald Trump having such a huge lead in the polls at this point, the debates are being called a few different things. One is the B Team. Another is the Audition for the Vice President (not counting Mike Pence of course). Some have called it a waste of time. I call it an interesting bit of poorly controlled conversation.
There seems to be push back on the new voices. Let’s designate: Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, Mike Pence, Chris Christie, Mainstream. Mainstream but who cares, Asa Hutchinson, Tim Scott. New voices, Vivek Ramaswamy, Ryan Binkley, Doug Burgum, Larry Elder, Will Hurd, Perry Johnson, Francis Suarez.
RNC Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel, yes, she is a part of the Romney clan, seems to have the idea that the best way to beat Trump, and that is my opinion, is to limit thought. While she does not have total control of the debates, she has the ability to set the tone and to also bring in the moderators, etc.
The tone of the debates have been Anti Trump by the moderators. But what is most disturbing is the desire to stifle thought and ideas. You have a governor of an energy state and they don’t ask him about energy policy. You have a pharmaceutical entrepreneur and you don’t press him on the state of the CDC. They throw softball questions at Nikki Haley on the war situation. Nobody is really asked about how they made their money, simple resume questions.
Ramaswamy has brought out the financial posturing of Nikki Haley on the debate stage in regards to the defence industry. Ramaswamy also brought out the losing culture being fostered by Ronna McDaniel. He is also astute in calling out the moderators.
DeSantis has a fresh record as Governor. one who bucked the virus trends that crippled many people economically. Haley was a governor. Not sure what she did in office. DeSantis answers questions he is asked. Christie give his canned answer “I have the most experience” in such and such area. Haley givers you a per-recorded message.
Living in Cedar Rapids Iowa, I have been able to hear interviews conducted by the locals. Haley does not sway. I don’t think I have heard her laugh. Ramaswamy exposes a vision and recognizes that ongoing wars are not good. Haley seems to want to send us everywhere. Bergun offers restraint.
The current tone of the federal government is that it is bloated, intrusive, unfair, ready to weaponize to eliminate competitive thought, and loaded with employees that could not make what they are making in the private sector. Also, there are government departments located in Washington DC. that have not work in the area, the ultimate telecommuting.
Th job of the next president is to force the return of responsibility to the House and the Senate. If this means jobs are lost in DC. so be it. If a job is no longer needed in the private sector, you go do something else. The next president must have the skills necessary to do this. By returning accountability back to the House and Senate members, corruption will reduce. People will take direct entrepreneurial.
Trump talked about draining the swamp. He did not have enough time to drain said swamp due to a missing piece of knowledge and bombardments of personal attack. He also did not research the swamp enough to learn the process to be used.
Ramswamy has researched this and has the process ready to go day one of his presidency. Now, is Trump going to lose the caucuses? Not at this point. Will the court cases play a role in keeping
Trump from winning the Republican nod? We will see.
If Trump is the nominee, the Ramaswamy is the best for Vice President. If no Trump, Ramaswamy has the best ideas to clean up the mess and is strong for the president nod..
Desantis is best to finish his term as Governor then look to the White House. Chris Christie needs to go back to his job as the Republican apologist for the liberal news outlets. Nikki Haley quit her last two jobs, so she should have no problem quitting running for president. If Ramaswamy were to get the nod to run for president, I can sere Bergun as VP.
But with Ronna McDaniel as the RNC chair, expect incompetency.