124 Vote
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124 Vote
This is the most important election in the history of the United States. The difference between the two presidential candidates is the widest ever. Donald Trump had one of the best presidential administration successes in the history of the country. He needed to avoid the swamp and unfortunately he listened to Mike Pence and had the swamp run lead on the virus response.
When there were improprieties in the 2020 election Pence and his inability to communicate beyond the basics of an insider helped fuel the steal of the 2020 election. More on the 2020 election has been written in previous editorialpinups.com entries.
The goal for the Republicans is to get so many people voting for Trump who is versed in many issues and the down ballot that it will be impossible to steal.
The Democrats installed as their candidate (that is correct, installed, Harris has never won a vote in a caucus or primary for president) and are finding out that she is such a bad candidate as all she can say is she is not Trump and promote inflationary Marxist ideas. Or should we say, her controllers have not been able to get her to say anything intelligent. She has not been able to justify why her involvement in the Biden Harris administration has not allowed her ideas to have been used the last 3 plus years. In fact, She wants to fix that which they messed up.
Make your vote count. I know I will make mine count! Really think what is at stake here!